Blind Alleys and Potential Roads to Success

Note: You don't necessarily have to understand Blind Alleys... to succeed with JBP. The minimum you need to do to succeed with JBP:
1. Join JBP by opening an account;
2. Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $10 or $20 payment;
4. Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Buy and/or sponsor downline members;
6. Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area;
7. Make JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) your primary moneymaker.
However, if you want to become more successful with JBP, and use it to earn even more money, you may be able to benefit from Blind Alleys...

Get PAID While You Are Building Your Business!

Alexa Traffic Chart for TEProfits
Alexa Traffic Graph for

Alexa Traffic Chart for JustBeenPaid!

Alexa Traffic Graph for

Brian Tracy: Four Steps to Getting Past Obstacles Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." Then enter "" (without the quotes) and click "Compare." If the traffic chart for is near the bottom and stays there, then the chances are high that is a blind alley. (If the owner of the site knew how to get visitors, he would get more visitors to his own site.)
You can use the above method to quickly identify many money-promising products and programs as blind alleys. If they were successful, they would get more traffic. Of course, what isn't successful today could become successful tomorrow, next week, or next month. The fact that traffic to a website domain is low doesn't mean it's definitely a blind alley. It does mean the probability is high that it's a blind alley.
(Also realize that "traffic" can be misleading. Visitors to a website can be more or less "interested" in what the website offers. Traffic can be "targeted" or "not targeted." Traffic can have "quality," depending on how much they're willing to spend.)
For another example of what looks like a blind alley, see Automated Marketing Solutions. Then access Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." Then enter "" (without the quotes) and click "Compare." If the traffic chart for is near the bottom and stays there, then the chances are high that is a blind alley.
You can repeat the above for "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," etc.
If you Google "automated marketing systems," you'll find some of the above on the first page of the results. This tells you that just because a program achieves a high Google ranking for a particular search term doesn't mean that it's any good.
High-traffic programs can also be blind alleys for most people. For some popular low-priced programs, the potential earnings may not be high enough to make them worthwhile. They may effectively be blind alleys for anyone wanthing to earn decent money online. Why spend your time on a program that will earn you pennies if you want to earn thousands of dollars?
The design of some high-traffic programs is such that in order to make decent money you need several thousand people in your downline. Because only a very small percentage of people can build very large downlines, such programs may be blind alleys for most members.
The nature of certain programs is such that strong marketers can earn a great deal with them, but the typical member just loses time and money. Even if the website of such a program gets lots of traffic, it may still be a blind alley for most members.
Then there are many programs with design flaws that make them unsustainable. This applies to practically all cyclers, doublers, autosurfs, HYIPs, revenue-share programs, and gifting programs. The traffic charts of some of these programs "take off like rockets" when they're launched. While "skilled operators" may be able to earn a great deal with them, they tend to be blind alleys for most participants. Typically, such programs fail after a few days, weeks, or months.
You can often determine that a program is most likely a blind alley by Googling "[program name] review" and "[program name] scam." You can also do a Google video search.

Potential Roads to Success

Please access: Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." Then enter "" (without the quotes) and click "Compare." If the traffic chart for continues to be "relatively high" or increases steadily, it would suggest that TEProfits might be a "potential road to success."
My own evaluation of TEProfits -- I call it "AMOS" ("AutoMarketing on Steroids") - is that it's the "Missing Link" that most wannabe online moneymakers need to become more successful. For more information on AMOS, see "AutoMarketing on Steroids (AMOS)" under "Backend Program Ref IDs" near the bottom of the Menu in your JBP member area.
Prior to adding AMOS to JBP, a practical way for the average JBP member to market JBP was not available. AMOS "Fills the Gap!" (You can also use AMOS (TEProfits) to market practically anything else.)
The following benefits help make AMOS a potential road to success:
  • Once you've set it up, it's very easy to operate. You basically just need to surf Traffic Exchanges.
  • It utilizes the "franchise principle" -- complete instructions on how to set it up and use it.
  • It's highly duplicatable by you and your downline.
  • It's viral, utilizing the "compound-interest principle" -- over time, the same or less effort/investment produce steadily increasing results and earnings.
  • Extensive training and support is provided.
  • You can use it to market practically anything.
If JBP/JSS is not yet a road to success for you, then utilizing AMOS could be the "missing link" that makes JBP/JSS a road to great success for you!

Personal Factors

Getting on a potential road to success doesn't necessarily mean that you'll succeed. If you don't learn to walk or drive toward your destination, you still fail.
Your computer skills may be inadequate to set up the AMOS (TEProfits) system. You may need to get someone more competent to assist you. Factors such as "procrastination," "helplessness," "impatience," "quitting too soon," "being stuck in mediocrity," "poor money management," "self-sabotage patterns," "fear of rejection," "fear of failure," "limiting beliefs," "child-mentality," "irresponsibility and blaming others," "making excuses instead of taking action," etc. may prevent your success. See "Access Our Products" in the Menu in your JBP member area.
You may not realize the longterm compounding power of steadily building your list and downlines month after month -- even if initially you just get a few leads and signups each month. You may give up after a month or two, not realizing that you've actually been on a road to success! Sometimes persistence works!
To succeed with AMOS (TEProfits), you may need to "get over the hump." The actions you take may have to"rise above a critical level." I call it the "success threshold." To rise above your success threshold with AMOS may require massive action on your part.
Taking a few steps half-heartedly may not be enough for success. It's worth putting in all the effort necessary to set up AMOS (TEProfits) properly and to then surf for several hours a week.
You'll also need to follow up with your leads to help them get going.

Breakout Power

In a sense, some people live in a "shell." Their "shell" -- some of the "personal factors" mentioned above -- consists of the things that constrain them or hold them back.
"Breakout Power" refers to your ability to break out of your shell.
In Brian Tracy's videos, above, he demonstrates aspects of breakout power.
Breakout Power depends on "removing negatives" and "adding positives" to your life. Debbie Turner demonstrates this, particularly in her 7th video.
If you want to make money online, then your online-marketing ability is a key skill. To the extent that you develop your online-marketing skills, you develop breakout power.
Implementing, applying, and mastering TEProfits -- "AMOS" ("AutoMarketing on Steroids") -- may be a great way to start developing your breakout power. See "AutoMarketing on Steroids (AMOS)" under "Backend Program Ref IDs" near the bottom of the Menu in your JBP member area.
See also "Access Our Products" in the Menu in your JBP member area.