How to Maximize Your Earnings with JustBeenPaid

Note: You don't necessarily have to understand How to Maximize Your Earnings... to succeed with JBP. The minimum you need to do to succeed with JBP:
1. Join JBP by opening an account;
2. Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $10 or $20 payments;
4. Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Buy and/or sponsor downline members;
6. Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area;
7. Make JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) your primary moneymaker.
However, if you want to become more successful with JBP, and use it to earn even more money, you may be able to benefit from How to Maximize Your Earnings...

JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) is so powerful that it overshadows the other aspects of JBP. JSS may make it considerably easier for individual JBP members to achieve the levels of earnings they desire.

JBP2 and JBP3

The addition of JBP2 and JBP3 make JBP potentially much more profitable -- see under "Tutorials," "How JustBeenPaid! Level 2 Works" and "How JustBeenPaid! Level 3 Works." So the most important steps to maximize your JBP earnings are to upgrade for JBP2 and JBP3 as soon as you can afford it.

Your JBP Downline

The basic way to increase your earnings with JBP is simply to build your downline by sponsoring new members and/or buying downline members.
Your downline is of potential value to you. As long as they continue upgrading, they pay you $15 every 3 months. They also pass their 3rd sale, as well as every 10th sale up to you. The more active and successful your downline members are, the more you earn.
You always have the potential to "strike it lucky" or "hit the jackpot!" A referral you sponsor or purchase could be a "High Performer." In addition to his/her 3rd sale, every 10th sale is also passed up to you. And, of course, all these people pass up their 3rd and every 10th sales to you!
It's in your interest to communicate with your downline members and to establish relationships with them. You may also want to assist them to become more active and successful. If they haven't upgraded, you may want to encourage them to do so.
JBP enables you to communicate with your downline/referrals -- see the links "Your Downline" and "Your Referrals" in the Menu to the left. You can use the Bigbooster Extractor to get the email addresses you can contact. (You can copy/paste both your downline and your referrals to the extractor, which eliminates duplicates.)
You're welcome to promote other programs, products, and services to your JBP downline/referrals.
Now suppose you join "Program X," which is a "standard, follow-your-sponsor 2x2 cycling matrix." To cycle and get paid, you need to fill your matrix of 6. This can happen if you sponsor 2 people and they each sponsor 2 people. It can also happen if you sponsor 6 people. It's also possible that you'll get 2 people as spillover and they'll each sponsor 2 people, so you cycle and get paid without sponsoring anyone.
In practice, the vast majority of members of such a 2x2 cycling matrix never cycle, because they don't sponsor 6, nor do they sponsor 2 who each sponsor 2. It's important that you understand How JBP Changes the Dynamicsof such a situation.
Suppose you join a 2x2 cycling matrix. You have a few people in your JBP downline. You persuade them to join the 2x2 cycling matrix under you. In the absence of JBP, typically your matrix downline members would not sponsor anyone, would not cycle, and would not get paid. You could sponsor 6 people, cycle, and get paid, but typically most of your downline members would never cycle and get paid.
When JBP is "added to the mix," the dynamics change. To get their own downlines, your JBP downline members don't have to sponsor anyone; they can simply purchase downlines. And these referrals are "upgraders" who have paid some money. They are higher quality people than "free members who have just promised to upgrade."
If you can grasp these dynamics, and you can also get your JBP downline members to grasp the dynamics, then it becomes much easier to "sponsor 2 who each sponsor 2." This means that all upgraded JBP members (who can understand the dynamics -- or just follow the guidelines!) can now make money with a 2x2 cycling matrix!
Please understand and appreciate the moneymaking power you can gain by being a JBP member and working with your downline. You can use JBP to become more successful with practically any other program!

MonsterPreLaunch (MPL) Guidelines

  1. Join MPL -- click "Backend Program Ref IDs" in the Menu to the left.
  2. Enter your MPL ID# in JBP under "Backend Program Ref IDs."
  3. Enter your JBP ID in your MPL account under "Back-End Programs"/"JustBeenPaid!"
(Note: If you're already in MPL, depending on your level in the MPL downline, you may have to wait before you'll be able to enter your JBP ID in MPL. This is because JBP "becomes available" to MPL members, level by level, in 48-hour intervals.)
To maximize your JBP earnings, it's most important that you join MPL, if you're not already a member -- click "Backend Program Ref IDs" in the Menu to the left. Then you need to enter your MPL ID# in JBP under "Backend Program Ref IDs.".
If you do this, your JBP downline members (who are not already in MPL) will join MPL under you. MPL has a number of moneymaking "back-end programs," the most important of which are listed on the MPL "emo2" referral page -- log into your MPL account, click "My Referral URLs" and find the "emo2" page.
You should also enter your JBP ID in MPL under "Back-End Programs." (This will enable MPL to automatically help build your JBP downline -- if you have MPL downline members who are not yet in JBP -- or if MPL's "Triple Play Marketing" is applied to automatically build JBP downlines.)
You may also want to encourage your JBP downline members to join MPL and enter their JBP IDs in MPL and their MPL ID#s in JBP.
Now suppose the same "Program X" is added as a back-end program to MPL and listed on the MPL "emo2" referral page. Suppose you're a member of Program X, and you enter your Program X ID in MPL uder "Back-End Programs"/"Program X."
Now the dynamics can get even more interesting! MPL automatically promotes Program X for you to your MPL downline. Suppose you have an MPL downline several levels deep. MPL uses "referral flow through." Suppose someone in your first level in MPL doesn't join Program X. Then, everyone under him/her in MPL, who joins Program X, will join under you. The result of this is that even for a program that pays on only one level, MPL enables you to get paid on an indefinite number of levels!
MPL members are invited to join JBP, level by level, in 48-hour intervals. Once everyone in MPL has had the opportunity to join JBP, MPL's "Triple Play Marketing" will be applied to automatically build JBP downlines, including, potentially, yours.

Leverage and Multiple Income Streams

JBP itself provides you with one income stream. You can utilize your JBP downline to generate additional income streams by promoting other programs to them. This would be an example of leverage.

Your Value to Yourself

To the extent that you invest the effort to understand the mechanisms described above, you increase your potential value to yourself. You may want to apply the Killer Success Tricks to overcome any barriers that stop you, and/or to improve your skills as needed.
Typical "98%ers" (who usually fail to make money online) tend to be "disvalues to themselves." They can utilize JBP and apply "Upgrade Your Brain," the "Big Success Breakthrough," and the "Killer Success Tricks" to increase their value to themselves.
So, increase your value to yourself so you can take advantage of the above mechanisms and leverage your multiple income streams!