What JBP Sponsors May Want to Understand

Note: You don't necessarily have to understand What JBP Sponsors May Want to Understand! to succeed with JBP. The minimum you need to do to succeed with JBP:
1. Join JBP by opening an account;
2. Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $10 or $20 payment;
4. Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Buy and/or sponsor downline members;
6. Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area;
7. Make JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) your primary moneymaker.
However, if you want to become more successful with JBP, and use it to earn even more money, you may be able to benefit from What JBP Sponsors May Want to Understand!

JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) is so powerful that it overshadows the other aspects of JBP. JSS may make it considerably easier for individual JBP members to achieve the levels of earnings they desire. Most important is that everyone you sponsor into JBP who upgrades is your referral for JSS!

JBP2 and JBP3

Note that each referral you sponsor into JBP/JSS can earn you up to $50 per day in referral commissions! This makes it potentially hugely profitable for you to promote JSS!
The addition of JBP2 and JBP3 make JBP potentially much more profitable -- see under "Tutorials," "How JustBeenPaid! Level 2 Works" and "How JustBeenPaid! Level 3 Works."
This page was originally written to persuade JBP sponsors to promote JBP and to be satisfied with "giving up" 50% of their recruits (after their first 3 sales) to fill the referral orders of other members. There are now much stronger and more compelling reasons to be satisfied and to promote JBP:
  1. "Giving up" some of your recruits in JBP1 to help other members is a major part of what makes JBP work so well in convincing new members to join in droves.
  2. With JBP2, you could earn $10,000 a month or more, if you promote effectively and persistently and you assist your downline.
  3. For JBP2, you "get back" 50% or half of the recruits you "gave up" in JBP1.
  4. With JBP3, you could earn another $10,000 a month or more, if you promote effectively and persistently and you assist your downline.
  5. For JBP3, you "get back" 100% or all of the recruits you "gave up" in JBP1.
  6. For JSS, you also "get back" 100% or all of the recruits you "gave up" in JBP1.

JBP's Popularity

Alexa Traffic Graph for www.justbeenpaid.com
People are joining JBP in droves. The Alexa traffic chart (left) provides an indication of JBP's popularity. If the chart goes above 20,000 and stays there, it would indicate that JBP is among the top 20,000 websites worldwide, in terms of visitor accesses.
To get an idea of how popular JBP is in various parts of the world, please examine this JBP Alexa Chart. If you look at the list of countries on this chart, and click "More," you'll see something like the table below, left.
The table (below, right) shows the rankings on 2/19/10. The lower the number, the higher the rank. In Jamaica, JBP was in the top 400 websites in terms of traffic. In the USA, JBP was among the top 16,000.
New Zealand4,863
United States15,571
Why is JBP so popular? Because it solves the problem of the 98% or so of wannabe online moneymakers who typically enjoy little or no success. It solves their problem because they can buy downline members starting at a cost of just $5 each.
When new members upgrade they pay $5 to JBP Admin and $15 to a Sponsor. Immediately after the $5 has been paid, the referral allocation algorithm decides who the Sponsor should be. This mechanism is powerful.
It effectively means that when you buy a downline member, you don't buy someone who has just promised to upgrade, but an "upgrader" who has started the upgrade process by paying $5 to JBP Admin. It's like someone who puts down a $25 down payment for a house. He or she is more likely to follow through and buy the house, than someone who has just promised to buy a house. So the person you buy is more likely to follow through and pay you your $15.
So the JBP structure enables you to build a quality downline without any sponsoring requirements.

The JBP Structure

It's the JBP structure that makes JBP so powerful and popular. JBP is a modified one-up system. Your third sale is passed up to your sponsor. Every tenth sale is also passed up.
This also means that members on your first level pass up their third sale, as well as every tenth sale, to you. And all these passed up sales, in turn, pass up their third sale, as well as every tenth sale, to you. This progression continues indefinitely, making your potential earnings explosive.
Typically, one-up and similar systems don't work very well, because the 98% or so of wannabe online moneymakers seldom sponsor enough people.
Fortunately, the JBP structure enables the "98%ers" to buy downline members starting at a cost of just $5 each. So they're much more likely to become active in JBP, compared to other programs.
That's why JBP makes your potential earnings explosive.
It's very important to realize that your JBP downline members are very likely to buy downline members themselves and become active. Some of them, once they start making money, will also start sponsoring others. In the long run, this could explode your earnings.

Where Do the Referrals You Buy Come from?

In order for JBP to work, a supply of referrals have to come from somewhere. They can't appear by magic out of thin air. Someone or some people have to provide them.
JBP Admin does extensive marketing and, with a few exceptions, 100% of their referrals are provided for JBP members to buy. But this isn't enough to satisfy the demand...
JBP Sponsors play a major role in helping to provide referrals for JBP members to buy, and making JBP work. Some of the referrals you provide to be bought, may be bought by your downline members. So you help build your own downline. Some of the referrals bought by your downline members, are provided by other Sponsors. So they help you build your downline.

The Power of JBP's Altruistic Design

It's most important that you see the Big Picture of what makes JBP so popular and work so well. There are reasons why the Alexa traffic chart above performs the way it does. It's much easier to sponsor people into JBP than most other programs. It's quite possible that, with the same effort, you sponsor twice as many people, compared to most other programs.
There are many people who've tried for years to make money online, with little or no success. When they discover JBP, they usually quickly become very excited, because it doesn't take very long for them to start making money.
Many programs are structured so the big promoters make the money, while the vast majority of members just lose whatever they put into the programs. This applies, for example, to a program where members need a downline of 14 to cycle and get their money back, and they need 64 to make the "big money." It also applies to most 2x2 cycling matrixes, where you need 6 to cycle and earn. The vast majority of people who join such programs, just lose their money. Are you doing people a favor by sponsoring them into such programs?
When you sponsor people into JBP, you're doing them a favor, because you're providing them with a relatively easy way to start making money. They can buy referrals starting at a cost of just $5 each. They can start making money.
Can you see that, with the same marketing effort, you're likely to sponsor twice as many people into JBP, compared to most other programs?
The JBP referral allocation algorithm works on the basis that, after your first 3 sales, 50% of your referrals are used to help others. Some of your referrals are "sold" to other members who've purchased downlines. When your referrals are "sold," you get paid the purchase price minus 11% (to cover processing fees).
Your upgraded referrals passed up or sold are still available for you to promote to. You can regard the combination of "Your Downline" and "Your Referrals" as the downline you can promote to. (You can use this Email Extractor to extract their email addresses and remove the duplicates.)
Can you see that if, with the same effort, you can sponsor twice as many people into JBP (compared to other programs), you're not really giving up anybody as a result of some of your referrals being passed up or sold?
Can you also see that other Sponsors are providing referrals for your downline members to buy, thereby building your downline and earning you more money?
Do you have a problem with helping other people, if you get as much help in return? Do you have a problem helping a program become more successful, so you'll earn much more in the long run?

JBP Money Analysis

Suppose you join a hypothetical matrix program at a cost of $20. Suppose you get paid $5 for members on your first level. That's 25% of the cost. Suppose that, like with most matrix programs, most of the members in your downline do little or nothing to sponsor people. They're hoping for spillover so they can start earning. But, except for a few near the top of the matrix, there's never enough for a significant number of them to earn decent money. So the matrix stagnates, languishes, and grinds to a halt...
As a Sponsor, have you seen this happen? If it's a matrix program with a monthly payment, have you built a decent downline... only to see nobody else doing very much... and then people start dropping out like a row of dominoes... and attrition kills your downline... and your earnings quickly vanish...
JBP also costs $20. You get paid $15 when you become the sponsor of your referral. That's 75%. But every second person you recruit is used to fill someone else's referral purchase order. So we need to cut the 75% in half. That's 37.5%. Can you see that this is better than the 25% of the hypothetical matrix program, above?
With the hypothetical matrix program, you get paid $5 per recruit; JBP pays you $7.50 per recruit. However, because JBP most likely has more appeal to prospects -- most have never made decent money with any matrix program -- you may find that the same marketing effort gets you double the number of upgrades with JBP. Now we're talking about comparing $5 to $15. You're earning three times as much, promoting JBP, compared to the hypothetical matrix program.
However, with JBP you also pass up some sales. This reduces your earnings... in the short run. But you're one person passing up some sales. Once you have ten or more people in your downline, passing up sales to you, your earnings can become explosive... in the long run.
Also, you get paid when your recruits are "sold" -- the purchase price minus 10% to cover transaction fees. This pushes the money advantage further in your favor.
A most important difference is that with the hypothetical matrix program, you're not doing anyone a favor by sponsoring them, because the vast majority of your referrals won't make any significant money. With JBP, you're doing people a favor by sponsoring them, because the chances are very good that they'll make money. JSS will make it easier for them to make much more!