
Note: You don't necessarily have to understand the terms in this Glossary to succeed with JBP. The minimum you need to do to succeed with JBP:
1. Join JBP by opening an account;
2. Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $10 or $20 payments;
4. Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Buy and/or sponsor downline members;
6. Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area;
7. Make JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) your primary moneymaker.

If you see a word or phrase used on the JustBeenPaid! website that you would like to see added to this page, please contact the webmaster.
Note: This Glossary does not include special terms related to JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS). See::
1-up system: A referral/compensation system in which a member's first sale (usually) is passed up to his/her sponsor. In the case of JBP, the third sale is passed up. (As a "High-Performance Bonus" in JBP, every 10th sale is also passed up.)
2-up system: A referral/compensation system in which a member's first two sales (usually) are passed up to his/her sponsor.
Automatic Guide: JBP will eventually have a system to suggest to members the next step they should take.
Autoreserve: A feature of the JBP Feeder system that automatically "reserves" the maximum number of referrals of a "recruiter" in accordance with the Feeder rules.
Back-end program: JBP has a "back-end program" section featuring MonsterPreLaunch (MPL). All JBP members are advised to join MPL and enter their MPL ID# in the JBP Member Area. Your JBP referral ID should also be entered in the MPL Member Area. Additional back-end programs may be added to JBP in the future. The back-end programs section features a sponsorship protocol (also called "referral ID flowthrough") which enables your JBP downline members to join the back-end programs under you.
Big Success Breakthrough: A JBP1 product. Identifies the basic reason why so many people fail to make money online, and provides great solutions.
Buying a downline member: JBP enables you to buy downline members, starting at a cost of $5 each. You need just 2 downline members to get into profit. There are limits on how many downline members you can buy during a given period. When you buy a downline member, you buy someone who has just made the $5 upgrade payment to JBP Admin. (This is most likely a higher quality member than someone who has just promised to upgrade.)
Competence: The ability (includes knowledge and skills) to take actions that produce desirable results. Many people overestimate their level of competence. Several studies have demonstrated that the less competent people are, the more they tend to overestimate their level of competence. To make more money online you may want to increase your competence to above your "Success Threshold."
Competing Commitments:Some people make explicit commitments to improve, learn, and succeed. But they may also have hidden commitments that prevent them from changing and improving. Such hidden commitments may be in the form of "Core Identity Beliefs" -- see "Killer Success Tricks."
Core Identity Belief (CIB): A very basic and deep belief you have about yourself, which may be self-limiting or self-empowering. Many people are unaware of their CIBs and how they are impacted by them. See "Killer Success Tricks."
Direct retail sales business model: A business model where salespersons (or sponsors) sell a company's products and/or services to the public. In one variation, the customers pay the entire retail amount direct to their sponsors. Sponsors then pay the wholesale amount to the company. An advantage for sponsors is that they don't depend on the company to pay them. An advantage for the company is that it doesn't pay it's sponsors. JBP uses a variation of the direct retail sales business model where customers pay the wholesale amount ($5) to the company and the difference between the retail amount and the wholesale amount ($15) to the sponsor.
Discussion boards: Online forums where you can find networkers with at least some experience, and who are generally good people to market to.
Downline: In JBP, your downline consists of the members below you in the genealogy. Most important to you are the downline members on your first level.
Downline builder: A program that is used to build a downline. The JBP Feeder may be among the best downline builders ever invented!
Dyslearning: The opposite of learning. As a reaction to certain experiences, some people become emotional, blame others and things outside themselves, and make false conclusions. Over time they tend to become less competent in some areas of their lives. See also "unlearning."
Excuses: The "reasons" people typically give as "justifications" for why they failed in the past.
Excusitis: The habit of making excuses. Many people's "reasons" are often just disguised excuses.
Feeder: A program used to add people to a program under you. JBP has a breakthrough Feeder system.
Half-price upgrade: New members have a choice between upgrading for $10 or $20. (When the first renewal fee becomes due, members who originally upgraded for $10 will be expected to pay $30.)
High-Performance Bonus: In addition to the third sale, every tenth sale on your first level is passed up to you. This is a strong incentive to recruit High Performers.
Indirect referral: A referral who was passed up to you from someone in your downline. Everyone on your first level passes up their third and every tenth sales to you.
JBP1: The basic $15 program."
JBP2: The $57 program."
JBP3: The $117 program."
JBP Guide: See "Automatic Guide."
Killer Success Tricks: The JBP2 and JBP3 products.
Learning: Acquiring knowledge and skills that increase your level of comptence. The opposite of dyslearning. See also "unlearning."
Leverage: Sales being passed up to you create leverage for you. Promoting JBP in order to generate multiple income streams from several back-end programs generates leverage for you. See also "OPW."
Make-or-Break Issue (MBI): Something a person needs to handle first, before he or she can move forward. MBIs like negativity and helplessness can have a debilititating effect on people, and nullify any positive changes they attempt to make.
Member-to-member payments: JBP uses member-to-member payments for JBP2 and JBP3. (Originally, JBP1 also had member-to-member payments, but this caused too many problems so the system was changed.)
Microfinancing: It may be possible for people with little or no money to get small loans to get started with JBP -- see "Tutotials."
Networkers with at least some experience: Typically people who've spent money on money-promising programs. Probably about 98% of them have failed to make any significant money. Generally, these are the best prospects to market to. They can be found in Discussion Boards.
Opportunity seekers: Typically people who are marketed as "leads" by "lead companies." Generally, it's a waste of time to market to these people.
OPW ("Other People's Work"): 1-up and 2-up systems enable you to benefit from OPW. See also "Leverage."
Paid member: A member who has paid the membership fees. The third sale of a Paid member is passed up to his/her Sponsor.
Paid status: The status of a Paid member.
Passed up: When a Paid member makes his/her third and every tenth sales, the new person is given to the Paid member's Sponsor. The Sponsor also receives the $15 payment from the new member.
Payment system: Initially, JBP uses AlertPay as a payment system or payment processor. New JBP members should fund their AlertPay accounts with $25-$50 to get started. They should also enter their AlertPay ID (email address) in the JBP Member Area. Other payment systems will be added later.
Peer-to-Peer Loans: It may be possible for people with little or no money to get small loans to get started with JBP -- see "Tutotials."
Phonics: Not having learned Phonics may be a Make-or-Break Issue (MBI) for some people -- see "Killer Success Tricks."
PNYRMF ("Person Not Yet Ready to Move Forward"): Someone who doesn't take the steps necessary to raise his/her competence to a level that makes success possible.
PRMF ("Person Ready to Move Forward"): Someone willing and eager to take the steps necessary to raise his/her competence to a level that makes success possible.
Profitline: Every JBP member on your first level is a potential profitline for you. The third and every tenth sales of each member on your first level are passed up to you. The number of profitlines you can have is unlimited. This provides the leverage that makes 1-up and 2-up programs such huge potential moneymakers.
Psychological Reversal: Manifests as self-sabotage -- people using their minds more to hinder than to help themselves; people tending to do the opposite of what's needed to achieve their goals.
Recruiter: Someone who has recruited a referral to join the JBP Feeder.
Referral: Someone referred into the JBP Feeder by a "Recruiter."
Referral buy order: Any JBP member may place an upgraded referral buy order to buy upgraded referrals recruited by other members.
Referral ID: When you join a money-making program, you are usually given a referral ID (and a referral URL) so you can refer others to the program. In JBP, your referral ID is the same as your member ID.
Referral ID flowthrough: JBP's back-end program system is designed so your JBP downline members can join the back-end programs under you, once you've entered your program IDs in JBP. If you haven't joined a particular back-end program and entered your ID for it in JBP, and a member in your downline joins the program, he/she will join under the first (nearest to him/her) member in the upline who has joined the program and entered his/her program ID in JBP. The "flowthrough" means that nobody is skipped in the process -- sponsorship lines are always respected.
Referral page: A special JBP webpage used by members to promote JBP. A referral page may include customized text and links. JBP members invite others to join JBP by asking them to visit their referral page. There are several referral pages. See also "Splash page."
Referrer: The person who referred (or recruited) you to JBP by asking you to visit his/her JBP referral page, which resulted in you joining JBP. Your referrer may or may not be the same as your sponsor. See also "Sponsor."
Refunds: JBP refunds are only available in cases where purchase orders to buy downline members are not filled within 30 days.
Renewal fees: Every 3 months, JBP members pay $20 to JBP admin (of which $15 goes to their Sponsors).
Reserving a Referral (not currently implemented): When you recruit people to join the JBP Feeder, some of your upgraded referrals are available to be purchased by other members. You have the ability to reserve some of your specific referrals, so that when they upgrade, you'll be their sponsor and receive their $15 payments (except for your third sale, which is passed up).
Residual income: Do certain work once... and then get paid for it over and over again into the future. Sales being passed up to you constitute residual income. So do Renewal payments you receive.
Sale: When a new person joins JBP and makes the $5 and $15 payments, this is considered a sale.
Someone who can succeed: About 98% of people trying to make money online fail. A basic reason may be that they have not yet "become someone who can succeed."
Splash page: A Referral page specially designed to be displayed by a Traffic Exchange.
Sponsor: Your Sponsor may or may not be the same as your referrer. If you were referred to JBP by a member, then that member is your Sponsor and Referrer (provided either you or your Referrer paid the membership fees). If you were passed up as the third sale of your Referrer, then the person you were passed up to is your Sponsor. See also "Referrer."
Sponsorship protocol: See "Referral ID flowthrough."
Success Threshold: The approximately 98% of people trying to make money online who typically fail, operate "below their success threshold" -- a "level of competence." Those who succeed, operate "above their success threshold." To rise from below to above the success threshold, you increase your competence. Part of the power of JBP stems from the fact that you can buy downline members. This lowers your success threshold considerably. See also the Tutorial on "# Marketing Essentials -- the Challenge!"
Tenth sale: See "Sale." In JBP, every tenth sale a member makes is passed up to his/her sponsor. These tenth sales could be purchased downline members.
Third sale: See "Sale." In JBP, the third sale a member makes is passed up to his/her sponsor. The third sale could be a purchased downline member.
Tracking code: A special combination of letters and numbers that appears at the end of a referral URL. It is used to measure the response rate of a marketing campaign or effort. You can create Tracking Codes in the Member Area.
Traffic Exchange: A marketing program that enables members to view each others' web pages.
Unlearning: Getting rid of the wrong things you've learned -- removing falsehoods from your brain.
Upgrader: A new JBP member who has just made his/her first $10 or $20 payment to JBP Admin. Upgraders can be used to fill "Referral Buy Orders."