Note: You don't necessarily have to understand this JSS-Tripler FAQ to succeed with JSS-Tripler. The minimum you need to do to succeed with JSS-Tripler:
1. Join JBP by opening a free account;
2. Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $20 (or $10 when "special offer" available) payment (not necessary for JSS-Tripler if you don't plan to sponsor people to earn referral commissions);
4. Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Fund your JSS account using AlertPay, and transfer funds to your JSS-Tripler account;
6. Buy one or more JSS-Tripler positions at a cost of $10 each;
7. Promote JSS-Tripler to sponsor people and earn referral commissions (optional);
8. Use some of your profits to buy new JSS-Tripler positions;
9. Meet weekly surf requirements so you can make withdrawals;
10. Withdraw some of your profits;
11. Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area.
Q. What is JSS-Tripler?
A. JSS-Tripler is basically a Traffic-Exchange (Surf) Program that earns 2% or more per day -- 60%+ per month. You buy $10 positions that pay out 2% or more per day.
Q. When did JSS-Tripler launch?
A. On February 17th, 2011.
Q. Where can I sign up for JSS-Tripler?
A. JSS-Tripler is part of JBP. There's no separate signup. Just sign up for JBP, if you haven't joined yet. Click the "JSS-Tripler" link in your JBP member area.
Q. Do I have to be a JBP member to participate in JSS-Tripler?
A. Yes, at least a free member.
Q. Are there limits on how many JSS-Tripler positions can be bought?
A. Yes. An individual member can buy up to 250 positions per hour and up to 500 positions per day. The maximum total positions bought per day for all members is 10% of the total unexpired positions. An individual member can own up to 25,000 positions. The reasons for these limits are that we don't want to grow too fast, and we also don't want big buyers to "crowd out" smaller buyers. (These limits may be changed from time to time.)
Q. Can you tell me more about JSS-Tripler earnings?
A. Basically, you earn 2% per day from your $10 positions. You can buy multiple positions. You can compound daily to increase your earnings. You can use your cash balance to buy more positions.
You earn referral bonuses of 10% on your first level and 5% on your second. You can withdraw your earnings or use them to compound by buying more positions.
The basic formula JSS-Tripler uses is to apply 80% of funds received to pay unexpired positions. This means that every position bought enables JSS-Tripler to pay 40 positions for a day. This makes "cash acceleration" possible. JSS-Tripler has a "Cash Acceleration Bonus" (CAB) feature. From time to time, JSS-Tripler uses CAB to pay extra bonuses to members.
The total cash earnings per position is $15 or 150%. The further $15 is paid in the form of JSS positions. When four of your JSS-Tripler positions have matured and earned you $15 each, you get a JSS position that pays you $60 when it cycles. This amounts to $15 per JSS-Tripler position. This is how your money is tripled. For the details of how JSS works, see the Synergy Surf FAQ.
Because you need to be an upgraded JBP member (cost $10 or $20), you'll need to upgrade in JBP in order to receive your JSS position(s).
Q. Do you have automatic compounding?
A. No. You need to log into your account to manually buy positions, using your cash balance. (If there is sufficient demand, we may implement an automatic-compounding feature.)
Q. Is the original principal I paid for my JSS-Tripler positions returned, after my positions have earned $15 (150%) and have matured?
A. No. The original principal expires and is not returned when your positions mature. (As indicated above, for every four of your JSS-Tripler positions that mature, you also get a JSS position that pays you $60 when it cycles.)
Q. Do I have to do anything to cycle my JSS positions, and how quickly can I expect them to cycle?
A. You don't necessarily have to do anything. However, you may want to buy "placements" (cost: $5 each) to fill your matrixes more quickly. You can also upgrade your placements to "premium" at a cost of $5 each. The best way to cycle your JSS positions more quickly is to sponsor people. It may take anything from a few weeks to several months for your JSS positions to cycle. Note that 50% of your own new JSS positions generated by JSS-Tripler will be used to fill your own matrixes.
Q. Why don't you just pay out 300% or $30 per JSS-Tripler position?
A. If we did this it would be very difficult (if at all possible) to make JSS-Tripler indefinitely sustainable. You can think of the 150% cash as shortterm profits and the remainder as longterm profits.
Q. Does paying 150% or $15 in cash, and the rest in the form of JSS positions, make JSS-Tripler indefinitely sustainable?
A. No. As JSS-Tripler grows, a time may come when the 2% daily earnings cannot be sustained. At this point, our "Restart Feature" (RSF) will be used. The way RSF works is that all existing JSS-Tripler positions are terminated and "wound up," and JSS-Tripler is essentially restarted as a new program. The "old" JSS-Tripler positions are "wound up" by being "paid out" partially in cash and partially in the form of JSS positions. A formula is used to maximize the "cash positions" of our members. It just takes longer for the "old" JSS-Tripler positions to earn the 300% or $30 total.
Q. What happens if, because of unforseen events, such as server downtime, DDOS attacks, etc., there's a general loss of confidence in JSS-Tripler and members stop buying new positions?
A. RSF will be used to effectively restart JSS-Tripler as a new program and to "wind up" the "old" JSS-Tripler positions.
Q. If RSF is applied, will my earnings decline?
A. Yes, there will be a temporary decline. Because you retain all your downline members, your earnings will tend to increase over time after JSS-Tripler is effectively relaunched. By compounding and sponsoring more people, you'll be able to increase your earnings to higher levels than before.
Q. If RSF is applied, will I lose money?
A. No. Some or all of your unexpired JSS-Tripler positions may be converted into JSS positions, but you won't lose any money.
Q. For my downline, does JSS-Tripler use the same "genealogy" (downline structure) as the other JSS programs?
A. Yes. Everyone you've sponsored in the past into JBP is automatically in your JSS-Tripler downline. This applies to your second level as well. Everyone you sponsor into JBP in future, will automatically be in your JSS-Tripler downline. (Note that if any of your referrals were "sold" or "passed up" in JBP, you "get them back" for JSS-Tripler.)
Q. If I don't participate in JSS-Booster, but some of my referrals do, will I earn referral commissions on their "JSS-Booster action?"
A. Yes. You don't have to participate in JSS-Warp or JSS-Booster if you don't want to. (Note that even though you can earn referral commissions for JSS-Tripler without upgrading in JBP, we recommend that you upgrade in JBP at a cost of $10 or $20 as soon as possible. This enables you to earn extra money from JBP. It also provides you with access to "The Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area.)
Q. What are the most important differences between JSS-Tripler and the other JSS programs?
A. In JSS-Tripler, you can see your earnings added to your account every day. It's much easier for most members to see that "something is happening" with their JSS-Tripler accounts, compared to the other JSS programs. JSS-Tripler provides "instant gratification!"
Your referral earnings are also immediately added to your account when your referrals and their referrals buy positions. You can immediately withdraw these funds, or use them to buy more positions to compound your earnings.
Q. Is JSS-Tripler based on a "tried and tested business model?"
A. JSS-Tripler was initially inspired by "The $10 Wonder" program. During 2007-2009 it paid out for over 2 years. JSS-Tripler overcomes the design flaw that eventually caused The $10 Wonder to fail and disappear.
JSS-Tripler's business model is also similar to that of AdVentures4U (AV4U). Again, JSS-Tripler overcomes the design flaw that caused AV4U to fail.
Q. Will my JSS-Tripler earnings be "residual?"
A. Basically, "residual earnings" refer to "doing work once and getting paid repeatedly or on an ongoing basis." Particularly if you sponsor people, you'll benefit from residual earnings. Your referrals are likely to buy multiple positions over time, earning you 10% for each position they buy. Some of your referrals are likely to sponsor others who also buy multiple positions on an ongoing basis, earning you 5% for each position they buy. This can add up to lots of money, as you can see from the example of my (Frederick Mann's) referral bonuses earned from AV4U.
Q. If I sponsor people into JSS-Tripler, does this automatically enable me to generate multiple income streams from JBP and the other JSS programs?
A. Absolutely! You can automatically also earn from JBP1, JBP2, JBP3, JSS-Booster, and JSS.
Q. How does JSS-Tripler earn the money to pay such high returns?
A. JSS-Tripler brings earnings in the following ways (some still to be developed/implemented):
1. JBP Admin's JSS-Tripler account;
2. Advertising sales;
3. JBP1 (The Big Success Breakthrough);
4. JBP2 (Killer Success Tricks);
5. JBP3 (More Killer Success Tricks);
6. JSS-Warp;
7. JSS-Booster;
8. JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS);
9. Sale of referrals;
10. Other income streams to be developed (including "Project CertoPower").
The Psychological Power of JSS-Tripler
It's very easy to earn money with JSS-Tripler. You just buy one or more $10 positions. You can log into your account every day and see your latest earnings. Every day "something happens," without your having to do any work. You don't have to sponsor anyone. You don't have to wait for anyone else to provide you with spillover, help fill your matrix, etc. This is "psychologically satisfying" for most people.
Every time you have earned $10, you can use these funds to buy another position. You can compound at any time. So you can increase your earnings -- give yourself a pay raise -- without having to sponsor anyone or do any work. This is also "psychologically satisfying" for most people.
If you've been in any other programs that provided you with the earnings and "psychological satisfaction" described in the above two paragraphs, the chances are that the programs suddenly stopped performing and paying... and you lost whatever money you had in them. Psychologically, this can be extremely distressing.
If you look at my (Frederick Mann's) numbers for AV4U, you can see that in my seventh month with AV4U, my weekly "revenue-share earnings" had reached $2,800. That's 14% of $20,000. (AV4U also paid 2% per day.) Then AV4U failed, and both my $20,000 and weekly earnings of $2,800 effectively disappeared. This was "psychologically distressing."
The fate of practically all high-return programs is that a time comes when the "daily 2%" can no longer be paid -- or it's no longer profitable for the program owner to pay it. The ongoing build-up of obligations (liabilities) becomes "too big." Typically, the program owner then "pulls the plug" and the program disappears.
As far as I know, JSS-Tripler is the first "2%-daily type" program that has mechanisms to overcome the "obligations-too-big" problem. The first mechanism is that after your positions have earned 150%, the additional 150% to triple your money is "paid" in the form of JSS positions. The effect of this is to extend the period over which JSS-Tripler can continue paying 2% per day. This tends to extend the 2% earnings and increase "psychological satisfaction."
The second mechanism to overcome the "obligations-too-big" problem is the "Restart Feature" (RSF). When JSS-Tripler's obligations (liabilities) become "too big," JSS-Tripler will be effectively restarted as a "new program." "Old" positions will be "wound up" by "paying them out" partly in cash and partly in JSS positions. RSF will cause a temporary drop in earnings, but no loss of money. This will be "psychologically distressing" for some members, but far less so than if JSS-Tripler disappeared with a total loss of member money and earnings. Most members will be able to increase their earnings in the "new" JSS-Tripler to higher levels than before. This will be both remunerative and "psychologically satisfying."
Periodically, JSS-Tripler will apply its "Cash-Acceleration Bonus" (CAB) mechanism to "pay members extra." This will also be both remunerative and "psychologically satisfying."
The above factors, particularly that members earn every day without any work, makes it much easier to sponsor others. Active sponsors can "make a killing" with JSS-Tripler. Note that in the case of AV4U, my referral bonuses eventually increased to over $2,000 a week. By compounding some of your referral bonuses, you can increase your "2% earnings" much faster. This is also both remunerative and "psychologically satisfying."
You may want to consider making JSS-Tripler the "foundation of your financial-freedom strategy!"
What Makes People Happy?
Malcolm Gladwell: What we can learn from spaghetti sauce
The above video has profound business and marketing implications. There are "clusters" of people who are "made happy" by certain things. This strengthens the idea of "niche marketing" or "cluster marketing."
It also suggests the questions:
(1) What clusters of people can be made happy by participating in JSS-Tripler;
(2) Where or how can these clusters be found?;
(3) How big are these clusters?;
(4) Specifically what will provide these clusters with the most happiness?;
(5) How can JSS-Tripler be changed or improved to provide our members with more happiness?
By 2006, a similar program called "12DailyPro" had grown to over 300,000 members... By 2008, another similar program called "AdSurfDaily" had grown quite large, with some members putting in tens of thousands each. There have probably been over a thousand such programs. As far as I know, none of these programs has been sustainable, and they all failed. That made many members unhappy. (By contrast, JSS-Tripler is indefinitely sustainable, which should make our members happy! Also important is that JSS-Tripler is not US-Based.)
There may be about a million people who regularly participate in such programs. Many of them can be found on certain discussion boards, "HYIP monitoring sites," and "AutoSurf monitoring sites" -- see JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) Marketing FAQ.
If you want to "live dangerously," you could consider a "go-for-rich" strategy. You raise all the money you can from credit cards, loans, etc., and you put as much as you can into JSS-Tripler. Then you withdraw most of your daily earnings to repay the debt. You use a relatively small percentage of your earnings to buy additional JSS-Tripler positions, to compound and increase your future earnings. You sponsor as many people as you can to further increase your earnings.
Not only are many of these people prospects for JSS-Tripler, but JSS-Tripler is most likely a far better high-return program they've ever been in.
I (Frederick Mann) started my online marketing by posting in forums -- Delphi in 1997. In some cases I included my email address in a post (check if the rules of the particular forum you post in allow this), and received dozens of replies from new prospects.
You may want to check out the article 12 Keys to Successful Forum Marketing.
Now Google: ad2million -- check out at least 50 of the results you get.
Many of the places where ad2million (A2M) is being promoted are appropriate for promoting JSS-Tripler. You can learn from how people are promoting A2M how to promote JSS-Tripler. Anyone who promotes A2M is a likely prospect for JSS-Tripler. An advantage of getting A2M promoters involved with JSS-Tripler is that many of them are already promoting a similar program and know how to do it.
Also Google:
ad2million review
ad2million forum
ad2million mmg
how ad2million works.
Join MoneyMakerGroup (MMG). Search for: justbeenpaid -- after setting up your profile and signature, post to the relevant threads you find -- particularly those for JSS-Tripler.
Do the same for Talkgold.com (TGF) and DreamTeamMoney (DTM).
For a list of many more relevant forums, see: Frederick Mann's Business Plans. Scroll down to "Forums List" at the end of the page.
You can use http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/[Domain] to see how much traffic each forum gets.
Be sure to check out the referral/splash pages for JSS-Tripler that end with "jsstripler1," "jsstripler2," "jsstripler3," "jsstripler4." "jsstripler5," etc. (more to be added).
(2) Where or how can these clusters be found?;
(3) How big are these clusters?;
(4) Specifically what will provide these clusters with the most happiness?;
(5) How can JSS-Tripler be changed or improved to provide our members with more happiness?
By 2006, a similar program called "12DailyPro" had grown to over 300,000 members... By 2008, another similar program called "AdSurfDaily" had grown quite large, with some members putting in tens of thousands each. There have probably been over a thousand such programs. As far as I know, none of these programs has been sustainable, and they all failed. That made many members unhappy. (By contrast, JSS-Tripler is indefinitely sustainable, which should make our members happy! Also important is that JSS-Tripler is not US-Based.)
There may be about a million people who regularly participate in such programs. Many of them can be found on certain discussion boards, "HYIP monitoring sites," and "AutoSurf monitoring sites" -- see JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) Marketing FAQ.
"Go-For-Rich" Strategy
If you want to "live dangerously," you could consider a "go-for-rich" strategy. You raise all the money you can from credit cards, loans, etc., and you put as much as you can into JSS-Tripler. Then you withdraw most of your daily earnings to repay the debt. You use a relatively small percentage of your earnings to buy additional JSS-Tripler positions, to compound and increase your future earnings. You sponsor as many people as you can to further increase your earnings.
Forum Marketing
There are probably of the order of 10 million people who have participated in "2%-per-day" type programs. Many of them frequent certain discussion forums. At least two of our major JBP/JSS promoters get a major portion of their referrals by promoting in forums.Not only are many of these people prospects for JSS-Tripler, but JSS-Tripler is most likely a far better high-return program they've ever been in.
I (Frederick Mann) started my online marketing by posting in forums -- Delphi in 1997. In some cases I included my email address in a post (check if the rules of the particular forum you post in allow this), and received dozens of replies from new prospects.
You may want to check out the article 12 Keys to Successful Forum Marketing.
Marketing on Forums
Forum Marketing 101
Internet Forum Marketing Secrets
Now Google: ad2million -- check out at least 50 of the results you get.
Many of the places where ad2million (A2M) is being promoted are appropriate for promoting JSS-Tripler. You can learn from how people are promoting A2M how to promote JSS-Tripler. Anyone who promotes A2M is a likely prospect for JSS-Tripler. An advantage of getting A2M promoters involved with JSS-Tripler is that many of them are already promoting a similar program and know how to do it.
Also Google:
ad2million review
ad2million forum
ad2million mmg
how ad2million works.
Join MoneyMakerGroup (MMG). Search for: justbeenpaid -- after setting up your profile and signature, post to the relevant threads you find -- particularly those for JSS-Tripler.
Do the same for Talkgold.com (TGF) and DreamTeamMoney (DTM).
For a list of many more relevant forums, see: Frederick Mann's Business Plans. Scroll down to "Forums List" at the end of the page.
You can use http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/[Domain] to see how much traffic each forum gets.
Be sure to check out the referral/splash pages for JSS-Tripler that end with "jsstripler1," "jsstripler2," "jsstripler3," "jsstripler4." "jsstripler5," etc. (more to be added).