Note: You don't necessarily have to understand this JSS-Booster FAQ to succeed with JBP/JSS/JSS-Booster. The minimum you need to do to succeed with JBP/JSS/JSS-Booster:
1. Join JBP by opening an account;
2. Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $20 (or $10 when "special offer" available) payment; 4. Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Buy and/or sponsor downline members;
6. Use the JSS Test-Drive System to get a first-hand experience of of how JSS and JSS-Booster work;
7. Fund your JSS account using AlertPay;
8. Buy one or more JSS-Booster positions as soon as (and whenever) you can, particularly just after the start of each phase of a launch;
9. Promote JSS/JSS-Booster to sponsor people;
10. Observe your $20 positions grow to "$60" when your matrixes fill (note that the "$60" is variable and may be changed for different launches of JSS-Booster);
11. Use some of your profits to buy new JSS and/or JSS-Booster positions for longterm income;
12. Meet weekly surf requirements so you can make withdrawals;
13. Withdraw some of your profits;
14. Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area.
When Your $20 Positions Grow to $40 (or more), You Get Thrilled, Excited, and Enthusiastic!
Q. What is the nature of JSS-Booster and what is the reason for it?
A. Basically, JSS-Booster is an advertising system. You can buy advertising in the form of $20 AdPacks or positions. These positions are placed in 2x2 matrixes that pay out "$60" per position when the matrixes are filled. (Note that the "$60" is variable and may be changed for different launches of JSS-Booster.) So you can use JSS-Booster to multiply your money. The sooner you get in after each relaunch, the more quickly your money multiplies.
JSS-Booster is a version of JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS). JSS-Booster is relaunched approximately every week. For more details on how JSS works, check out the Synergy Surf FAQ.
Many people love "instant gratification." JSS-Booster can provide it, because those who buy positions as soon as they can, typically multiply their money within a day or so. Following is a brief description of JSS-Booster:
Every week or so, we relaunch JSS-Booster, which is like a "new JSS" or "mini-JSS," enabling members who buy positions early to multiply their money in a day or so. After about 3 days, we shut down JSS-Booster and merge all its uncycled positions (and open placement orders) into the existing JSS. This results in a great deal of cycling in JSS because it adds about 1,000 positions to the existing JSS. Then we empty JSS-Booster so it's ready for the next launch.
So JSS-Booster is applied (relaunched) every week or so to provide a growth spurt to JSS.
Q. What inspired JSS-Booster?
A. JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) was launched very successfully on 8/4/10. The JSS launch provided a big growth spurt to JBP (of which JSS is a part), as can be seen on the Alexa traffic chart above.
In the first week of JSS, over 700 Member positions cycled, representing over $40,000 in member earnings. This was a substantial growth spurt.
Many people realize that with certain programs, if you get in right at the beginning of a launch, you can quickly multiply your money.
So JSS-Booster is effectively a "new program launched every week!"
Then, when JSS-Booster is closed after about 3 days, its uncycled positions (and open placement orders) are added to JSS, providing a big boost to JSS! (This is explained in more detail below.)
Q. Where can I sign up for JSS-Booster?
A. JSS-Booster is part of JBP. There's no separate signup. Just sign up for JBP, if you haven't joined yet. Then click on the "JSS (Synergy Surf)" link in your JBP member area.
Q. When does JSS-Booster's "official day" start?
A. At Noon EST.
Q. Why should I join JBP and promote JSS-Booster?
A. You can earn a great deal of money. JSS-Booster will most likely become a popular and most profitable surf or advertising program! You earn a $5 referral bonus on your first level and $2.50 on your second, per cycled position. This can become huge! (These bonuses are paid when your referrals' postions and referrals' referrals' postions cycle.)
Q. Can you describe JSS-Booster in more detail?
A. Yes. Following are the main points:
- JSS-Booster starts with a new matrix, just like JSS did when it was originally launched. Because it's a new matrix, positions tend to cycle quickly, particularly the early ones.
- To participate in JSS-Booster, you must be an upgraded JBP member (cost $20 (or $10 while the "special half-price upgrade" is available) and have at least "X" uncycled positions in JSS. ("X" is a variable parameter.) The first time JSS-Booster is launched, "X" will be set to "1," meaning you need to have at least one uncycled position in JSS in order to participate in JSS-Booster. (This is the first way in which JSS-Booster boosts JSS.)
- Each time, before JSS-Booster is launched, JBP members are given advance notice so they can fund their JSS accounts. (Members can transfer funds from their JSS accounts to their JSS-Booster accounts. Then they can buy JSS-Booster positions and placements.)
- After the advance notice, JSS-Booster is launched and members can buy positions for $20 each, that will pay out "$60" when they cycle. (Because JSS-Booster utilizes a 2x2 matrix, just like JSS, when you get 2 positions on your position's first level, and 4 positions on the second, the matrix is full, your matrix cycles, and you earn "$60." Note that the "$60" is variable and may be changed for different launches of JSS-Booster.)
- Members can buy up to 100 JSS-Booster positions per day. (The "100" is a variable parameter which may be changed from time to time.)
- Members can buy up to 20 JSS-Booster positions per hour. (The "20" is a variable parameter which may be changed from time to time.)
- When a withdrawal is requested in JSS-Booster, the funds are transferred to your JSS account, from which you can request daily withdrawals.
- Members can buy placements in JSS-Booster (just as in JSS).
- About 3 days after each launch, JSS-Booster is closed -- no further JSS-Booster transactions for this launch.
- Then all uncycled JSS-Booster positions are merged into JSS. Basically, the earliest uncycled JSS-Booster position fills the earliest open JSS placement. (If all open placement orders get filled, then the earliest unfilled matrix is filled.) (This is the second -- and most powerful -- way in which JSS-Booster boosts JSS.) The open placement orders in JSS-Booster, when it closes, are added to the end of the line of open placement orders in JSS, as part of the merge.
- When the uncycled JSS-Booster positions are added to the JSS system, JBP Admin is subsidizing JSS, because some of the JSS-Booster positions do "double duty" -- first they help one or more positions in JSS-Booster cycle, then they also help one or more positions in JSS cycle. The following mechanisms are used to partially "reduce the double-duty subsidy":
- In JSS as well as JSS-Booster, when a position is used to fill a JSS placement, the $4.50 that was previously paid to the owner of the position now accrues to JBP Admin. (So, JBP Admin receives all the funds used to purchase placements.)
- When JSS members upgrade their placements to "expedited" or "premium," JBP Admin receives the fees, which help to "reduce the double-duty subsidy."
- The result of the way JSS-Booster is "structured" -- see "JSS-Booster's Algorithm" on the "Access JSS Member Area" page -- is that the number of positions that cycle at $40 creates extra profits for JSS Admin that help "reduce the double-duty subsidy."
- Some members compound some of their earnings to buy more positions. This effectively creates extra profitss for JSS Admin that also help "reduce the double-duty subsidy."
- After the merge, JSS-Booster is emptied in preparation for the next launch.
Q. Can you explain how the earnings per position can vary in JSS-Booster?
A. The purpose of varying the earnings is to keep the momentum of JSS-Booster going as long as possible for each launch. This is basically done by reducing the advantage of the earliest buyers and increasing the advantage of later buyers. Following is an example of how this could work:
- For positions bought on the first day of the launch: You earn $40 when they cycle in JSS-Booster.
- For positions bought later during the first day of the launch: You earn $80 when they cycle in JSS-Booster plus you receive one free placement per position bought.
- For positions bought on the second and susequent days of the launch: You earn $100 when they cycle in JSS-Booster plus you receive two free placements per position bought.
The above numbers are usually fixed for a particular JSS-Booster launch, but may be changed for different launches.
When uncycled positions from JSS-Booster are merged into JSS, when a particular JSS-Booster is shut down, these positions earn the usual $60 when they cycle in JSS.
Q. Am I understanding it right that if a person comes in with 100 positions at the very start, those positions will have to be completed by the following purchases before any others are cycled?
A. To handle this situation, purchases are limited to 20 per hour. (Note that the "100" and "20" are variable parameters that can be changed from time to time.) This means that anyone buying large numbers of positions has to spread them out over time. There's no particular disadvantage to buying just after someone else has bought 20 positions.
As a buyer of positions, you can also buy placements for all your positions. This gives you "preferential treatment." When your placements are filled, you may want to encourage the owners of positions in your matrixes to also buy placements.
Another way to shift the advantage in your favor is to sponsor people. The first and every third positions bought by your referrals will go into your matrixes. So the most money will be made by the buyers of the most positions, when the buyers also have the most referrals, and they buy their JSS-Booster positions the quickest.
For more details of how each launch is "structured," see "JSS-Booster's Algorithm" on the "Access JSS Member Area" page.
Q. Does JSS-Booster have any sponsoring contests or provide "performance prizes?"
A. Yes. For the details, access your JSS-Booster account and click "Promotion Contest."
Q. Do some members actually cycle and earn at the $80 and $100 levels?"
A. Yes, "JSS-Booster's Algorithm" is designed to make this happen, and it works! The "Promotion Contest" also results in some members buying JSS-Booster positions late during a launch, and suggesting that their referrals do the same. The "free placements" also make it worthwhile to buy positions late during a launch.
Q. Do you guarantee that I'll make money with JSS-Booster?
A. No. Each time JSS-Booster is closed, there will be members with uncycled positions. These uncycled positions are merged into JSS. There you can buy placements to help fill the matrixes of these positions. (You may also already have some unfilled placements that were bought in JSS-Booster and transferred to JSS.) You may also receive some spillover in JSS. You can be sure that you'll get paid if you fill your matrix by sponsoring 2 people who each sponsor 2, or by sponsoring 6 people yourself. (Note that because, in JSS, the first and every 5th positions of your referrals are used to fill your own matrixes, it's possible to fill one of your matrixes by sponsoring fewer than 6 people. Also note that the "5" in "5th" is a variable paramater that can be changed from time to time.) If you take the steps to fill your matrix in JSS, we guarantee that we'll pay you $60 per cycled position. (In JSS-Booster the earnings per position may vary.)
Also, when the next JSS-Booster is launched and its positions are later merged into JSS, these new positions can help you cycle and earn -- particularly if you've upgraded your placements to "expedited" or "premium."

I am encouraging ALL of My Simple Profit Team, who have not yet joined, to first join JustBeenPaid! (JBP), as I have been a member since it first launched and have steadily been getting Signups and Cash paid directly to my AlertPay account; and now You have made it even easier to Advertise and Make Money by adding the new JSS and JSS Booster programs!
With the JBP's Synergy Surf and JSS-Booster programs Any Individual Member Can at Any Time Fill their Own Matrix and Triple their Money! (This is the main factor that makes JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) Indefinitely Sustainable!;-)
I have already cycled 8 times in JSS, in just 10 days, and have been paid $480 which I have used to repurchase additional Advertising positions to promote my primary business.
The new JSS/JSS-Booster is a win-win situation for ALL, especially those who upgrade right away to take advantage of this Fast-Moving, Moneymaking Advertising program.
My advice is to sponsor as many people as you can, before they join under someone else; although there is NO Sponsoring required to make money... but the Referral Commissions Pay 25% on Your First Level and 12.5% on Your Second Level! Wow!
Everybody who is serious about Promoting Their Business and earning Fast Cash should Join/Upgrade ASAP to take advantage of our new JSS/JSS-Booster Passive Advertising and Income programs!

Frederick Mann has been earning a fulltime income on the Internet since 1997. He seems to have learned well from his experiences. The breakthrough formula he's created with JSS and JSS-Booster is pure genius!
I'm not a numbers person and understanding matrices to make them work to my advantage is not one of my strong points. That's why JSS and JSS-Booster are so slick... because you really don't need to fully understand how they work to earn great money.
Great job Frederick, I enjoy working with you and look forward to the ongoing success of JSS and JSS-Booster.
To all those skeptics who naturally wonder if the JSS and JSS-Booster programs actually work, I say, YOU BET THEY DO! This could even be YOUR first four-leaf clover!"

I'm real excited about JSS-Booster because one of my referrals who joined right after she received my message and bought a position right after the JSS launch, cycled within 1 day. I missed the launch because I was working on a new site, but still I cycled within 2 days. That's rare in matrix land!"

Tom Haley
(Simple Profit Team)
Thanks Frederick for a Great Advertising and Moneymaking program to help people Triple their Money Fast in these troubling economic times!(Simple Profit Team)
I am encouraging ALL of My Simple Profit Team, who have not yet joined, to first join JustBeenPaid! (JBP), as I have been a member since it first launched and have steadily been getting Signups and Cash paid directly to my AlertPay account; and now You have made it even easier to Advertise and Make Money by adding the new JSS and JSS Booster programs!
With the JBP's Synergy Surf and JSS-Booster programs Any Individual Member Can at Any Time Fill their Own Matrix and Triple their Money! (This is the main factor that makes JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) Indefinitely Sustainable!;-)
I have already cycled 8 times in JSS, in just 10 days, and have been paid $480 which I have used to repurchase additional Advertising positions to promote my primary business.
The new JSS/JSS-Booster is a win-win situation for ALL, especially those who upgrade right away to take advantage of this Fast-Moving, Moneymaking Advertising program.
My advice is to sponsor as many people as you can, before they join under someone else; although there is NO Sponsoring required to make money... but the Referral Commissions Pay 25% on Your First Level and 12.5% on Your Second Level! Wow!
Everybody who is serious about Promoting Their Business and earning Fast Cash should Join/Upgrade ASAP to take advantage of our new JSS/JSS-Booster Passive Advertising and Income programs!

Harve Heath (
"When JSS launched, I earned $1,200 in the first 48 hours! Most individuals, (me included) trying to generate an income online, have missed great opportunities because we were looking for four-leaf clovers. And we often miss great opportunities because of our fear of being ripped off.Frederick Mann has been earning a fulltime income on the Internet since 1997. He seems to have learned well from his experiences. The breakthrough formula he's created with JSS and JSS-Booster is pure genius!
I'm not a numbers person and understanding matrices to make them work to my advantage is not one of my strong points. That's why JSS and JSS-Booster are so slick... because you really don't need to fully understand how they work to earn great money.
Great job Frederick, I enjoy working with you and look forward to the ongoing success of JSS and JSS-Booster.
To all those skeptics who naturally wonder if the JSS and JSS-Booster programs actually work, I say, YOU BET THEY DO! This could even be YOUR first four-leaf clover!"

Peter Jenkins (
"It (JSS-Booster) is brilliant (I think I don't need to tell you that). I can see... ...When members see they cycle fast they will buy more positions (like 2, 3, 4, 5 at a time, all the way up to 10) and even more positions will cycle because of that. It's like you found a hidden key and opened the door for everyone to make money fast, even without referrals. Thank you for this, it will help a lot of people.I'm real excited about JSS-Booster because one of my referrals who joined right after she received my message and bought a position right after the JSS launch, cycled within 1 day. I missed the launch because I was working on a new site, but still I cycled within 2 days. That's rare in matrix land!"
Earnings Disclaimer
What any one individual earns with JSS may not represent what the "average member" earns. Any "average member" who fills the matrix of his or her $20 position in JSS is guaranteed to earn $60. (In JSS-Booster the earnings per position may vary.)![]() Cheryl King ( | I am really excited about JSS-Booster. When JSS launched I only went in with 3 positions as I was skeptical after trying others that never cycle or do what they claim they will do. I never brought anyone in, I wanted to try it first, so I was very excited when my positions cycled out so fast. I have cycled out 11 times since the launch. I wish I had gone in with 10 positions the first day which I will be doing when JSS-Booster launches. Plus just think what all the "mini-boosters" [each time JSS-Booster is relaunched] are going to do for JSS. There will be even more positions cycling, it is brilliant. I plan to have all my placements bought before the "minis" merge with JSS. This is going to be a real moneymaker. Plus we get to advertise as well. I really like this, it is exciting and fun!!! |
![]() Jim Cerne/Kansas (JustBeenPaid!) | Personally, this is the fastest I have ever made major dollars with an Internet Program. When JBP/JSS opened, my matrix filled quickly and payout was within 36 hours. After launch day, the program continued to grow. Now with the New JSS-Booster Feeder Program, I expect the program to pick up speed. Frederick, has proven in the past that he knows what he is doing. All indications are, this will be the greatest program launched in 2010. Do Not Hesitate on this, get in and start growing your bank account. |