1. Join JBP by opening an account;
2. Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $10 or $20 payment;
4. Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Buy and/or sponsor downline members;
6. Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area;
7. Make JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) your primary moneymaker.
Half-Price Upgrades
Buying Free Referrals
Elite Bonus System
Half-Price Upgrades
Note: The half-price upgrade is a temporary "special" that can be withdrawn at any time!
Q. How do "half-price upgrades" work?A. With full-price upgrades, you pay $20 to JBP Admin (who pays $15 to the Sponsor to whom you're assigned). With half-price upgrades, you pay $10 to JBP Admin (who pays $5 to the Sponsor to whom you're assigned). When you upgrade, you can choose which you prefer. If you select the half-price upgrade, then when your first renewal payment becomes due, you'll be asked to pay $30 to JBP Admin (who pays $25 to your assigned Sponsor).
Q. As an upgraded member and a recruiter, can I elect to not accept half-price upgrades?
A. Yes, under "Update Your Profile" in the member area, you can select whether or not you want to accept half-price upgrades. However, if you have unfilled referral orders, selecting to not accept half-price upgrades, will probably result in it taking much longer for your orders to be filled. In fact, it's possible that most upgrading members will choose half-price upgrades. So we strongly advise that you accept half-price upgrades.
Q. If I elect to not accept half-price upgrades, and an upgrader who would have been assigned to me as his or her sponsor chooses the half-price upgrade, what would happen?
A. The upgrader would be assigned to someone else who does accept half-price upgrades. So you would lose out. This makes it vital that you choose to accept half-price upgrades.
Q. what's the purpose of the half-price upgrade?
A. The first purpose is simply to persuade more people to upgrade. We expect that more people will upgrade at a cost of $10, compared to a cost of $20. A second purpose is a marketing tactic. It's better for people to have a choice between upgrading for $10 or $20, than a choice between upgrading for $20 or not upgrading.
Buying Free Referrals
Q. How does JBP work regarding the purchase of free referrals?A. If after 20 days, a new member hasn't upgraded, he or she becomes available for purchase by another member. Under "Update Your Profile" in the member area, you can indicate at what price you're willing to sell your referrals. If you don't want to sell your referrals, simply set the price at $99. (This is also the default.)
To buy a referral, click on the "Buy Free Referrals" link in your member area. You use a drop-down menu to select the referral you want to buy.
Referrals that have been reserved can't be bought by someone else.
Only free referrals with deliverable email addresses are sold.
Members can buy up to 5 free referrals their first week and up to 2 per week after that. (We may need to reduce these numbers after a few months.)
When a bought free referral upgrades, they do so under their purchaser and is never passed up or sold.
It's up to purchasers to help persuade their bought referrals to upgrade. The JBP system will also continue to attempt to persuade these members to upgrade.
When someone buys a referral, they pay JBP Admin the price the recruiter sets. Periodically, JBP Admin pays the recruiters the sell price (minus 25% to cover transaction fees).
Q. Why aren't member-to-member payments used for these sales?
A. We originally intended to use member-to-member payments, but this would have opened the door to fraud. Buyers could falsly claim that they had paid to buy a referral, when they had not. The best way to prevent such potential fraud is by having the payments made to JBP Admin.
Q. Why is JBP providing this service?
A. Many members have indicated that they want more opportunities to buy referrals.
Elite Bonus System
Q. When will JBP's "Elite Bonus System" be implemented?A. Hopefully, before the end of 2010.
Q. How does JBP's "Elite Bonus System" work?
A. JBP Elite Membership provides the following benefits:
- A Profile Page viewable by other members. Elite members can provide details about themselves and their activities, including links to their programs, businesses, etc.
- A list of JBP Elite Members in the sequence in which they upgraded, with links to their Profile Pages.
- A Top-100 Monthly List of Elite Members who earn the most "Points" as described below. Includes links to Profile Pages..
- Monthly prizes for the top 100 producers.
For each elite subscription, $15 is paid into a monthly pool. JBP Admin pays a further amount of $15 per elite subscription into the monthly pool, limited to a maximum of $1,500. JBP Admin may also add additional funds to the pool. During the first month, JBP Admin will add $1,000 to the pool. So the top prize for the first month will be more than $200.
The monthly pool size and 100 top producers are displayed. Monthly winners and past winners are displayed. Prizes as follows:
- #1 - 20% of pool
- #2 - 10%
- #3 - 8%
- #4 - 6%
- #5 - 4%
- #6-#10 - 2% each
- #11-#25 - 0.8% each
- #26-#100 - 0.4% each
- Recruit a free member: 0.3 points (provided at least 20% of your referrals have upgraded).
- Referral half-price upgrade: 1 point.**
- Referral full-price upgrade: 2 points.**
- Upgrade to JBP2: 10 points.
- Referral JBP2 upgrade: 5 points.**
- Upgrade to JBP3: 20 points.
- Referral JBP3 upgrade: 10 points.**
- Each JSS position bought: 2 points.
- Each JSS position bought by referral: 0.5 points.**