How to Get Help

Quick Solutions to Common Problems
Problem: You signed up and have not yet received an email with your verification code.
Solution: Click here to have it resent to you. NOTE: If you or your ISP have spam filters installed, you might never receive the verification email! See the FAQ for a detailed solution.
Problem: You are having trouble signing up or logging in.
Solution: Be sure cookies are enabled in your browser. Click here to check if cookies are enabled.
Problem: You no longer have your log in information (your computer crashed, you lost it, you can't remember, etc.).
Solution: Click here to have your welcome message resent to you. If you can't remember which email address you used to sign up, try entering all of your addresses one at a time.

Click Here for Details on Our Daily Live Web Conferences!

If you have a problem using this website and need help, follow these steps:
  1. Read the FAQ pages. Answers to most questions can be found there.
  2. If after doing the above you still cannot resolve your problem/issue, you can submit a Help Request.
When submitting a help request, be sure to include your username and the email address associated with your JBP account.
NOTE: using autoresponders on the account you have with JustBeenPaid could cause you to receive many emails from our help desk - so turn it off! Thank you!
The help desk will be sending emails from, so get your email account ready for our answer!