Referral Queue Reorganization

Note: You don't necessarily have to understand the Reorganization FAQ to succeed with JBP. The minimum you need to do to succeed with JBP:
1. Join JBP by opening an account;
2. Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $10 or $20 payment;
4. Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Buy and/or sponsor downline members;
6. Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area;
7. Make JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) your primary moneymaker.

Q. Why is there a JBP reorganization?
A. Initially, and up to April, 2010, too may referrals were sold by the JBP system. This resulted in a growing backlog and longer fulfilment times. This was a big "negative" that had to be fixed. With the new system, fewer referrals will be sold, and we'll attempt to reduce the fulfillment time.
The addition of JSS should eventually solve the "unfilled-referrals problem," because JSS is likely to attract many new members and they will have to join JBP and upgrade in order to take advantage of JSS.
Q. What are the main elements of the new system?
A. There is an additional new "queue" for open referral orders. All new referral purchases will go into the new queue. The new queue has a maximum limit of 1,000. (This limit can be changed by JBP Admin at any time.) Members can buy a maximum of one referral a week, including the first week. The 100 oldest open referral orders in the old queue are shifted to the new queue.
Q. What happens when the new queue is full, i.e., the limit of 1,000 has been reached?
A. Members won't be able to buy referrals until the number of open referral orders drops below 1,000. (Note that the 1,000 limit can be changed.) If members try to buy referrals, but the maximum limit has been reached, they're advised to try again later or the next day.
Q. If some members can't buy referrals, doesn't this make JBP a weaker program?
A. It may make JBP less appealing to certain members, but this is less damaging than many members waiting 2 months or more for their referral orders to be filled. The most important skill to make money online is to market, i.e., sponsor people. Practically anyone can learn to do this.
Q. How will the referral allocation algorithm work with the new system?
A. The referral allocation algorithm will change as follows:
  1. 25% of sold upgraded referrals are used to fill orders in the new queue for members who don't yet have their first 2 sales.
  2. 25% of sold upgraded referrals are used to fill the oldest orders in the new queue.
  3. 25% of sold upgraded referrals are used to fill orders in the old queue for members who don't yet have their first 2 sales.
  4. 25% of sold upgraded referrals are used to fill the oldest orders in the old queue.
  5. When the old queue is empty, the "25%" in "1" becomes "75%."
Q. Does this mean that it will now take twice as long to fill outstanding referral orders in the old queue?
A. No. We'll make a determined effort to more than double the volume of new sponsorship. JBP Admin itself will promote heavily. Now that JBP is on a solid footing a special effort will be made to get strong promoters to join and promote JBP. Special efforts will be made to persuade the existing JBP membership to promote more extensively and effectively.
The implementation of JSS should dramtically improve the fulfillment of outstanding referral orders.
Some time after the reorganization has been implemented, work will start to implement the renewal system. After that, JBP3 will be implemented. These measures will provide additional incentives and earnings for promoters. Fortunately, JSS will provide a much more powerful incentive.
Q. What can members with outstanding referral orders in the old queue do to speed up things?
A. Simply sponsor people into JBP/JSS. The following options are also available:
  1. Do nothing and wait for their orders to get filled.
  2. Pay $7 per order to shift their order to the middle of the new queue.
  3. Pay $15 per order to shift their order to the front of the new queue. (Orders at the front are filled first.)
  4. Request and receive a refund for open orders (and cancel the orders).
For options 2 - 4, please go to this page.
The $7 and $15 payments, above, accrue to the recruiters of the referrals used to eventually fill the orders. Minus 10% to cover transaction fees.
Shifts from the old to the new queue may temporarily increase the number of open orders in the new queue above the maximum limit. If this happens, the number of open orders has to drop below the limit before new referral purchases are allowed.
Members who get refunds for unfilled referral orders in the old queue are not allowed to buy referrals in the new queue for 3 months.
Once the old queue is empty, i.e., all its orders have been filled, it will disappear.
Q. How long will it take to fill all the outstanding referral orders in the old queue?
A. We'll do our best to fill all the orders as quickly as possible. It may take around 3 or 4 months.